Over the years there have been a number of websites, message boards and forums that have catered for card modellers, which you will see popping up in the listings, but two names and their work stand out: Mike Hungerford, the driving force behind the Papermodels II Google Group and its earlier incarnation on the now defunct Smartgroups, and Jon Leslie, whose Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center, has become a home for a diverse range of fictional and real craft.
It is considered to be bad form to link directly to a download file or page, especially since these models are all hosted for free. In general I have tried to link to the main page so that you can navigate to the download, hopefully taking the time to appreciate the designer's other work along the way.
Some sites, particularly the Zealots forum require that you register before being able to download models, quite a reasonable request. Have fun searching for a model that interests you and if you make it, take the time to drop a line to the designer with a comment - they are hungry for feedback to know if they have got it right!
Nomad probe (2002 – 2267)
- Model by Steve Marshall available on his website.
Venture Star X-33 RLV
- Model by Donald Edgecomb available on Jon Leslie's Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center eGiftShop
SS Botany Bay DY-100 class
- Model (1:600) by Ulrich Prahn available on Oliver Götz' website and Doug Wolfes' ' Wolfe Den' site
- Model (1:250) by Robert Merkstallinger available on Jon Leslie's Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center eGiftShop
- Model by Skupilkinson aka Andrew 'Skip' Skupinsk and The Zealots Forum Downloads (Movies, TV shows and Games / Star Trek) available on Jon Leslie's Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center eGiftShop
Enterprise NX-01
- Model by Gomidelfilho / Pericles (1:1000) available on Download from The Zealots Forum Downloads (Movies, TV shows and Games / Star Trek) available on the Paperstarships website
- Model by Clever
available on
Clever, Papermodels e Dioramas
- Enterprise NX-01 Shuttlepod 1
- Model by Jay available on Jay's Box of Sci-Fi CardToys
Columbia NX-02
- Model by Clever available on Clever, Papermodels e Dioramas
Surak class (Vulcan)
- Model by Matthew Morning available on Domatine.com
Klingon Raptor
- Model by Jay available on Jay's Box of Sci-Fi CardToys
Delta-type Warp Vessel
- Model by Jay available on Jay's Box of Sci-Fi CardToys
Romulan Bird of Prey (ENT)
- Model by OylPslyk available on The Zealots Forum
USS Essex, Daedalus Class
- Model by Diego Cortes Pardo available on the Paperstarships website
USS Daedalus NCC-150, Daedalus class
- Model by Marc Robitaille available on Star Trek en papier and Billy’s World.
USS Enterprise NCC 1701 Constitution Class (2220 – 2266)
- Model by i8080a available on the Star Trek Paper Models Group
- Model by Chippy Chua available on Repap Models
- Model by Ron Caudillo available on Jon Leslie's Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center eGiftShop
- Model by Diego Cortes available on the Paperstarships website
- Model (1:1000) by Gomidelfilho / Pericles
available on
Download from Péricles Stuff Mark II Blog
The Zealots Forum Downloads (Movies, TV shows and Games / Star Trek)
as well as
the Paperstarships website
- USS Enterprise NCC-1701 bridge diorama
- Model by Ron Caudillo
available on
Jon Leslie's Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Center eGiftShop
- Shuttle Galileo
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